Saturday, April 19, 2008

RutaVaLa Oil


Jessica writes:

I am here with Gary Young in Ecuador!

Greetings, friends! Some of you will be familiar with these
products as members of Young Living, but I just had to
share what is going on here.

What Gary is saying is so important! PLEASE try this for
two months and see what happens: (about $150)

Every night: Rub several drops of RutaVaLa (oil) on either
side of your brain stem before bed.

Take 3 Thyromin (capsules) before bed

In a small bit of water, add: 3 droppers Estro tincture + 25
drop of Sclaressence (oil)

In the am: 1 Thyromin in the morning

In a small bit of water, add: 3 droppers Estro tincture + 25
drop of Sclaressence

Mid-Day: In a small bit of water, add: 3 droppers Estro
tincture + 25 drop of Sclaressence

Your life will start to change immediately, with a sense of
excitement, purpose and passion returning to your life (not
to mention sex drive!). This is all about healing the
wreckage that early childhood trauma caused to our
nervous and endocrine systems. I could go into the whole
thing if you are interested, but trust me on this one. This is
what he is using here in the clinic with his patients and he is
seeing immediate and potent results on many levels,
including weight loss.

This is ground-breaking! I am going to start as soon as I get

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Bill! Just found this post and want to try this routine. Could you please check with Jessica regarding amount of product used. It looks as though you use 75 drops of Sclaressence a day! And please clarify the amount of Estro as well. Thanks so much for your help,
Warmly, Willow